Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous? 
Please do not tremble, no need to be dismayed
I’m God, I’m for you, so who can be against you? 
Stand firm in the Truth, do not be afraid 
Fear not, I am always with you
Fear not, I am faithful, tried, and true
Fear not, the Holy Spirit will enable you
Fear not, weapons formed against you I detest
Fear not, you cannot be stripped from My breast
Fear not, fear only not entering My rest
I’ve given you My best, fear not
I’ve not given a spirit of fear that leads you back to slavery
I’ve given you a spirit of power and love
The more you give into your fear, hiding from reality
A paralyzed prisoner of fear you make yourself victim of 
Fear not, I am always with you
Fear not, I am faithful, tried, and true
Fear not, the Holy Spirit will enable you
Fear not, weapons formed against you I detest
Fear not, you cannot be stripped from My breast
Fear not, fear only not entering My rest
I’ve given you My best, fear not
There’s no fear in love, perfect love casts it out
Fear leads to torment, My beloved, no need to doubt
Fear not, fear not, fear not  
Fear not, I am always with you
Fear not, I am faithful, tried, and true
Fear not, the Holy Spirit will enable you
Fear not, weapons formed against you I detest
Fear not, you cannot be stripped from My breast
Fear not, fear only not entering My rest
I’ve given you My best, fear not
Fear not, I won’t forsake you or betray you
Fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not

©® Barah Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.

©® Barah Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.